Kse Tuerk Nimith Sne-[38 END]

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There are two generations in this lakorn. The first generations tells the love story of the parents, who are: Pancake & Weir and Poo & Win. Pancake is the only daughter of a wealthy family. She falls in love with Weir, who is the son of a poor boater. Poo is a clever young woman who is also from a poor family. Win, who is of Chinese heritage, lives with his father, who sells ice cream. So everyone is poor except Pancake. Pancake and Weir falls in love and later have a son, who is played by Por Natthawut. Poo and Win fall in love and also have son who is played by Oil Thana.
On with the second generation…the parents have aged and I have no clue who plays the parents. Weir and Pancake are married and they both inherit Pancake’s parents’ company. For some reason, Weir’s old character is not like his young character who was once sweet and caring. After becoming wealthy, he turns into a mean and controlling father to his son, Chaopraya, played by Por. Nevertheless, he is still friends with Teng, who was played by Win in their younger years. With that being said, Teng’s son is Khongkhem, played by Oil. Chaopraya and Khongkhem are roughly the same age and like their fathers, they are buddies. They go to the same school and there they meet and befriend New and Jui. Later, all three guys fall for Jui.